# Manifesto of an Internet Refuge ## The mission Today we are more networked than any other time in history, and more *divided*. Toxicity leaks from every corner- hostility, pessimism, and paranoia (often justified). Everyone has an an agenda, every interaction is somehow a means to some ulterior end. Bots, scams, lies, and propaganda have become the norm. We judge each other by the labels we ourselves keep. Divisiveness is the default, and disagreement intolerable. You're with me or against me. Everything is zero-sum, and discourse is a waste of time. If you don't agree with me, you're evil, stupid, or both. It's a cold way to live, cynicism breeding cynicism. And it *isn't good*. We can and *must* do better! Wusoup is an experiment in something different. A shot in the dark, a hill to die (or thrive) on. It's an attempt to **re-experience a small part of an old half-remembered internet** full of wonder, possibility, and silliness. An internet filled with hobbyist homepages, and weird passionate people from the far corners. A place of sincerity, and surprises. Of serendipity. Of friendliness and *fun*. Creativity free from corporate interests, us-or-them politicised bullshit, and engagement (often rage) bait. Free from labels and the perverse incentives of algorithmically curated insular feeds and filtering. It's the smallest thing imaginable - **a safe place to talk one-on-one with strangers on the internet**. A niche members-only community, and throwback to a different time and mindset. A place to meet people you wouldn't otherwise meet. People like you, and people *totally different* from you. It's a safe place to learn about others, their life, their experiences, their worldview, their dreams, their fears. It's a place of empathy and understanding, of bridges and friendship. To connect, human-to-human. A small haven free from the toxicity and sleaze, from ads, from tracking, from hidden destructive incentives. Wusoup is a passion project created and run transparently by one real (and clearly sane) [person](https://www.taoensso.com/about-me) that's been [[About/Development Story|working on it]] for 16+ years. There's no other owners, investors, or influences pulling strings. Much of its tech is [open source](https://www.taoensso.com/open-source). The core idea and mission is this challenge to every member of the community: **to set our standards high**, and **to hold ourselves and others to those standards**. To be our best selves. \- Peter Taoussanis ([[About/Development Story|"The Wusoup guy"]]) ## Core values Members commit to embody and protect these **shared values**: ### 1. Wusoup is not a place for **dating** or **sexual** content It's a refuge for those of us that want something *different*. > [!example]- Details > There's nothing inherently wrong with dating or sexual content, but: > > - When you allow even a *little* dating or sexual content, **all interactions** get dragged in that direction. You attract a very particular kind of crowd, everyone's on the look-out for ulterior motives, and *all* other kinds of connection get trampled. > > - There are already **innumerable** other communities for that stuff! > > Wusoup's goal is fundamentally different. It aims to be a place: > > - Clean and safe for humans of *all kinds* to connect **without ulterior motives**. > - To learn about each others' lives, beliefs, and dreams. > - To build understanding and **bridge differences**, to find inspiration, to share joy. > > See the [[About/Community Standards#2. No **dating** or **sexual** content|related rule]] for more info. ### 2. Wusoup is not a place for **aggressive** or **hateful** content It's a place for inclusion, **kindness**, and courtesy. > [!example]- Details > Wusoup intentionally encourage connections between *unexpected people*: people from different places, with different life experiences, with different values or world views. > > This community is **not** intended to be a monoculture, it's intended to be **rich cross-section of people** - in all their complexity, contradictions, and imperfection! We're all a little nuts in our own way. > > This is a place to **tolerate differences**, including notably **differences of opinion**. > > In everyday life we don't walk around with labels above our heads- "relationship status X", "sexual orientation Y", "religion Z", "political affiliation Q", whatever. > > That's not natural, and it's not healthy! People are *more* than 2-dimensional labels, and trying to squeeze them into labelled echo chambers **creates perverse incentives and outcomes** - both personally, and for society. > > Just because someone's a Democrat or Republican or Intergalactic Toad, doesn't inherently mean they're evil/stupid/smelly. If we stop talking to each other, and stop seeing each other as human - *where does that lead*? > > We can choose to see only the worst in those around us, or those different from us. Or we can choose to see the **fundamental commonalities in everyone**, existing for a blink on this little speck of dust floating around in space. > > Wusoup believes that the vast majority of people are **trying their best** and generally have good intentions. And even when it seems like they believe something insane, that's not a reason to tell them to shut up or to try shut them out. That's the time to bring them in for a cup of tea, and to **try learn about and understand each other**. > > Yes, this is difficult. And that's also why it's **worth doing**. Wusoup trusts its members to **see the value in this**. > > We need to keep talking, and we need to **decide** to look for the common humanity in others. The alternative is *not good*. > > See the [[About/Community Standards#3. No **aggressive** or **hateful** content|related rule]] for more info. ### 3. It's okay to **respectfully disagree** Wusoup is a place to embrace our differences, including **differences of opinion**. Difficult discussions are okay, just don't resort to [[#2. Wusoup is not a place for **aggressive** or **hateful** content|aggression or hate]]. > [!example]- Details > We will not judge nor condemn one another. It's okay to believe that someone's completely wrong about something important, but be nice. We challenge ourselves to reach beyond our bubbles and preconceptions. To **pursue understanding** and to try **build bridges** in good faith and **with patience** and **self-reflection**. > > We accept that real life is complex, and issues often nuanced. We may be wrong about things that we feel sure about. We may change our minds. That's part of life, and it's okay (even commendable). **Talking helps us figure things out**. > > See the [[About/Community Standards#3. No **aggressive** or **hateful** content|related rule]] for more info. ### 4. Wusoup is a place to be **genuine** Genuine connection demands **sincerity**, so be yourself or be anonymous - but don't lead people to believe that you're someone that you're not. People here are asked to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, a rare and fragile opportunity worth nurturing. See the [[About/Community Standards#4. Don't **impersonate** others|related rule]] for more info. ### 5. Wusoup likes **words** Memes are fun, but we're ultimately aiming for something **deeper** here. Words take effort to write and to read, and they reward care. Substance over superficiality, the effort itself matters. This isn't a *distraction* from life, it's an opportunity for the kind of increasingly rare connection that **makes life better**. ### 6. Wusoup is about **meaning** This is a place to **pursue mutual understanding** with fellow humans. It's a place to **connect and learn** about one another, with curiosity and respect. To welcome new-comers with friendliness and support. To provide each other with compassion, guidance, and goodwill. It's a place to **exercise fellowship**. ### 7. Wusoup is about **quality over quantity** It's okay to have [[About/Community Standards|standards]], and to not appeal to everyone. It's okay to say "This is what we stand for, are you on board?". Ultimately, it's okay to be small. The goal isn't maximum growth, or even maximum engagement. Your time and attention are precious. The goal is **maximum meaning**. Human connection isn't quick, and it isn't easy. But it's worth doing, it's worth trying. ### 8. Wusoup is about **taking responsibility** The [[About/Community Standards|community standards]] are enforced **by the community**. We hold each other accountable to the high standards that we believe we're capable of. *Everyone* participates in keeping the environment free of sleaze, and in protecting the space from those that would undermine these values. This only works if we **believe it can work**, and if we **make it work**.